What Happened to RB - (2003-08-26, 6:53 p.m.)

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Well, we found out what happened to R.B. Apparently he had just bought a new single family house in North Baltimore, had a new baby of five months as well as his two year old daughter, and had a new job.

He told his wife that he was going to go downstairs and do some laundry. She was curious when he didn't come upstairs after about an hour, and went down to find him hanging from the basement rafters.

He did this when his FAMILY was home. Committed suicide so that his family would find him. So that his wife would find him.

I know that he hated her. She didn't want him hanging around his Marine Corps friends as we encouraged him to think for himself. She didn't tell any of them about the funeral, and hung up on them when they asked.

The whole thing is, she denied all of us closure. We had no opportunity to say goodbye to a friend, no chance to pay our respects to him and his family...nothing.

I hate her. I hate her for how she's made me feel, and how she pushed off any responsibility of notifying RB's Marine Corps brothers and sisters to others. It makes me angry that Hubby and I had to pass the word on to some friends, who just took it hard when we had to tell them.

I guess there were no signs that he was suicidal. He had ebay auctions that were closing after he died. He had just talked to one of our mutual friends the day before.

It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

What in the hell was he thinking??? Did he really believe that nobody out there cared for him, or was he so miserable in his marriage that he woudldn't divorce her?

I don't understand. I doubt that I ever will.

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