I've got a code! - (2003-07-29, 10:33 a.m.)

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My code is getting worse. Yes, code. Not cold. I can't freaking say cold, so it's code to me now.

My head is a big balloon filled with mucus. Sorry for being so graphic, but it's not a pretty situation.

I've been thinking in my drugged stupor. Yes, imagine that. What kind of strange things I can come up with when I'm on even more medication than normal.

(Last night I dreamed about kittens in muffin cups. I have no explanation for this. Go figure.)

I was thinking about making a sort of tool belt for people that have codes. Some tissue with lotion in it to prevent the red and raw node *ahem* nose that one seems to always get, some DayQuil and NyQuil in their respective pockets, a pouch full of cough drops and a special little compartment for Red Raspberry tea, which is my own personal favorite.

Yeah, just an idea. Remember, I'm taking code meds, anything is possible except for normal functionality.

The pets are just loving it when I'm home in bed all day though. Daisy was in pure heaven laying beside me all day, surrounded by a white mountain of kleenex. Homer has taken to batting them around when they fall onto the floor. He's cute, but sometimes I wonder what goes on in his little kitty head. *Hmmm...snotty kleenex...I had better go whack that around a bit so it doesn't get Meowmy!*

Good grief, I just reread what I've written. I'm going back to bed.

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