On The Hour Announcement - (2003-07-12, 9:15 a.m.)

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Today is the day for On the Hour where you take pictures each hour to describe what you're doing during the day. Pretty cool, no?

I already took a picture from when I got up this morning, and since I have a digital camera I should be able to make my picture entry for today either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Yesterday was my last day at work for QA--I go back on the phones on Monday. Eh, I have more to say about that, but I'll do it in a private entry as I'm STILL getting hits from work. I got in trouble for that, but that doesn't seem to matter to others that they could literally be putting their jobs on the line over it. Go figure. Some people don't think that the rules apply to them.

We're going for a motorcycle ride today with Joe, Kristi and some of the other friends that I grew up with. It's seeming to be a beautiful day already, it's 70 degrees F and should warm up to the mid-80's this afternoon. Great day for a ride!

That's it for today. Hope yours is great!

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