Exhaustion and a rant - (2003-06-22, 1:20 p.m.)

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I am feeling 100 different kinds of blah today. I'm exhausted, even though I didn't get up until 11 AM something. For someone that used to have problems sleeping in after 8:30 AM, this is somewhat of a miracle. If you want to look at it that way.

Hubby and I sat down and watched Spiderman last night, it was much better than I had expected.

I've found new and entertaining side effects for coming off this medication. Besides being exhausted all the time, my brain not working right, and putting words in the wrong places (which has gotten better) I've found that my brain hurts, dizziness which is probably another form of panic attack, and burning eyes are really fun too.

My goodness, I had no idea that this was going to be so difficult to stop. I feel like a crack addict coming off her drugs! Or at least how I would imagine one would feel. It's not a whole lot of fun people, and I would not recommend trying it.

Hubby told me this morning that he had a dream that he claims is going to make a difference in his every day life. He said that his dream was something about his priorities, and how money shouldn't be as much of a priority, but his wife's health should be higher of a priority or something like that. I plan on asking him for more information about this when he comes home this afternoon.

The problem is, he sees things in black and white, rather than shades of grey. Basically, he's a typical guy when it comes to this, but of course it's made worse by the fact that he's so analytical and mathmatically oriented. Needless to say, I don't understand as my whole world is mostly shades of grey.

So...this could be a big change in our relationship. I just can't worry about money right now, and am ready to take a pay cut if it comes down to being able to take another job where the stress level and ridiculous office politics don't have so much to do with the acutal working environment. I shouldn't have to be involved in politics if I choose not to be. I haven't ever been in the past, and now sometimes I feel as though I was just shoved into the middle of the gossip and ridiculousness that comes with people not having enough to do with their day. I hate and resent that more than I can explain.

I've always been a "what you see is what you get" type of person. Very no bullshit. I hate politics within the office and have always kept to myself when it comes to all that garbage. I would just rather not know about it--it's safer that way.

This entry ended up being more of a rant than I had realized that it would be.

Whoops. Guess I just needed to get that out, right?

Happy Sunday.

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