Blah Blah Blah - (2003-05-07, 7:40 p.m.)

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Eh, I just lost my earlier entry. I hate it when that happens.

Oh well, I don't have much to discuss today in the first place.

I have been having a hard time coming up with ideas for a banner. I kind of want one again. Haven't had one for a long time, and I thought it would be cool to have one again. I don't pay them much attention anymore. Maybe that comes from being an old school diarylander, I'm not sure.

I am also going to be putting together a new design if I can get it to come together correctly within the next few weeks. My BIL sent me some wonderful pictures that he took when he was in Northern Iraq, and I would like to make a design around them.

Now if I can only get better at those doggone animations, I'll be set to go! :)

So if anyone has any suggestions on what animation program they like, let me know. I'm stumped. For now anyway.

That's about it for today. I guess I understand the lack of guestbook signings lately. I'm not all that entertaining as I feel somewhat censored with work people lurking over my shoulder. I haven't gotten any hits for a while, but still...I just feel like the risk is there all the time, you know?

Ugh. What a horrible feeling.

More interesting next time, I promise!

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