A Message for Flabbergasted - (2003-04-20, 6:25 p.m.)

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message 2562:

name: Flabbergasted

email: katress.diaryland.com

url: katress.diaryland.com

message: I find this entry to be a bit interesting: You should be working instead of trying to get information to gossip about and cause trouble anyhow. Not that the trouble has been successful...and I have information of what IP address is at your desk. Trust me, I do. I can tell who's been here and from what computer. I'm not a brain surgeon, but it's not a difficult thing to find out. My first point is...what is it that you call what you are doing in your diary? I would call it not working and spreading internet gossip. Are you at work when you are posting your entries? My second point is that unless you are in a technical position, you do not have and cannot get access to IPs. Also, if a company is smaller then the IPs are specific and tracable. If the company is larger, then the IPs are greabbed at random when a person goes onto the internet and therefore it is not tracable. Nice try, though. What a nice touch to try to make us all believe that you are a manager and threaten people on the net. Here is a great piece of advice from someone who has seen what can happen when you make enemies at work. Leave your personal life at home and keep your work at work. Thanks for reading!

Dear "Flabbergasted," (

I just wanted to let you know a few things since you seem to be interested in poking around in my business.

1. I don't post entries from work. In fact, most of the time the time up on the top of the entry isn't correct anyhow. Just so you know. I have high speed internet access at home and spend more than my fair share of time on it.

2. Where do you see me spreading gossip about work? I have locked all of my work-related entries, so this is a moot point, is it not?

I may have pictures of myself up here, but that doesn't mean that I'm not anonymous. I have never given out my real first name, not to mention my last name EVER and have no plans to do so.

3. It's interesting to note that all the computers in my office have stickers on the front of them that note their IP address. That's what makes it so very easy. Really. And I do know IP addresses as I have a good friend in tech support. Did you know that there's a map that advises what computers have what IP addresses on it? Bet you didn't.

4. I am in "QA" and am a "team leader" or I guess you could call it "middle management." But a manager? Um, that would be a stretch. But not as big of a stretch as you're trying to make by saying that I'm threatening others. Nice try though.

I have never given this address out but to one person at work. I have a pretty good idea who spread it around as I'm not stupid as everyone seems to think that I am...and as I traced your IP address I'm betting that I'll see you at work tomorrow if you're scheduled to be there.



Good grief, some people just can't grow up, can they? We're not in Junior High, and I have to honestly say that I'm GLAD that they're making changes in leadership positions where I work. Hopefully it will get rid of some of this needless type of bullshit gossipy crap that goes on. Basically that tells me that others don't have enough to do at work.

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