Beau Update - (2007-12-31, 3:05 p.m.)

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Beau went in and had his ultrasound today. The doc didn't find any tumors, but he did drain about 500 ml of fluid out of Beau's body cavity, and he said that he figured that had gotten about 1/3 of it out. He was going to try some more this afternoon.

He didn't find any tumors, which is a good sign, right?

The fluid that he got he "didn't like the look of" and recommended that we get Beau on some more high dose antibiotics. Poor guy has such a stomach ache from what we've already given him, and then to give him more? Well, I guess it's better than the alternative - a dead dogger.

So we're waiting some more. No tumors, so the chances of cancer are slimmer, but it still looks pretty dark.

On the brighter side, he's a young dog who is otherwise healthy.

I sincerely hope that this isn't a shade of things to come in 2008...

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