Don't make me go there... - (2007-12-04, 5:30 p.m.)

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Excerpts from my email correspondence detailing why I'm a little stressed...b>

swear to God, I am about going to blow my top between Workman's comp incompetence and Robert's DAD! We had a lot of drama this weekend.

The nursing home isn't able to get a hold of Rob's Dad and he hasn't been in to visit his Mom hardly at all, according to the nurse. They want to put her on some different medication to help with pain control. He's the medical POA and he has to authorize it. We're worried that he's not going to do so as 1 - nobody can reach him including his sons (who hardly talk to him on THEIR choice as they pretty much hate their Dad) and 2 - that it's going to be $150 out of pocket per month as it's not covered by insurance. Rob and I have said that we will pay for it if he's not willing, but nobody can get a hold of him in the first place, so... Yeah, you see the problem. Mom was in such bad shape yesterday that I started to CRY and had to leave the room.

Workman's comp - the first person that I talked to at the general # told me that they didn't have the fax. The doctors office said that they faxed the information over, and then gave me the direct # for my case manager, which my case manager didn't give to me. I called my case worker directly and told her that the person at the general # said that there was no fax rec'd and that Kim from the dr. office said that she sent them over. Caseworker confirmed this. I said that the information had not been rec'd and Tami (caseworker) said that she had it. I told her that every time I call the general # I get the wrong information so that I wasn't going to call them anymore. She said "they're NOT wrong, she must have been looking in the wrong area." Um, how is this NOT wrong? She got all defensive. Don't make me drive down to Bismarck and *&^%$slap you, okay?

Thank GOD you're able and willing to listen to me about all this. We can't really afford the extra $ right now to provide care for Mom. We will if it comes down to it, but we don't have it. WSI hasn't settled with me yet, we may have a couple $k in medical bills from all of this and wage loss for me. Robert went and got a second job at Hornbachers to be able to get through I'll pretty much end up never seeing him, which is depressing. I wish that I could have a second job right now too! At least that would keep me busy. *sigh*

Yeah, in other words, don't get on my last nerve!!!

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