W0rkman's C0mp. Again. - (2007-11-01, 3:31 p.m.)

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So, those of you that have read here a long time...

Remember how much fun my workman's comp experience was? If not, reminders are here, here and here. Fun times, all those memories. *snort*

So, guess who had to file a new w0rkman's c0mp claim? For something NEW?

You're reading her. Great news, eh?

I hope it doesn't go as far this time and I sure hope to God that I don't have to have surgery and think about losing my house, my vehicle, and rely on my parents to feed me, etc. etc.

I hope to God that I don't have to not work, or work part time as I don't have resources anymore - my savings account is to buy Rob's wedding ring and perhaps pay for our reception/food/wedding stuff.

I just don't know that I can take it again this time...

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