Beau's Sick - (2007-10-24, 6:23 p.m.)

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How does "Kathleen" sound like "Stephanie" or "Jackie?" Bankers keep calling me that today and it's annoying. Hmph.

Beau is an expensive boy. Apparently he has some sort of infection, according to our vet, and he's going to be on antibiotics for the next two weeks. Poor guy, we knew he was acting funny, but we weren't really sure why. Rob, Dad and myself all noticed that he was acting kind of odd - very tired and a little irritable. So hopefully this is going to help.

Medora (our kitten) also has to go in and have her de-girlifying operation done soon. She's getting older, even though I doubt she's going to be a big cat. But she's about 5 months old, so it's time. Hard to imagine that we've had her that long, but I guess we have.

She's such a Daddy's girl, she follows Rob around in the mornings and he's given up eating his cereal sitting down. He stands up, otherwise she will climb up onto his shoulder and pester him until he shares his milk. Of course, he's brought this on himself as he would give her milk from his spoon when she was a little baby.

She plays in the bathroom when he's having a shower in the morning also. Boxing at the shower curtain, playing hide and go seek underneath the bathroom rugs and sitting on the back of the toilet and squeaking at him. She's awfully cute.

Other than that, there's nothing really new to report. We have a wedding this weekend, so that's going to be fun.

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