Medora the Mouser - (2007-10-18, 1:05 p.m.)

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Medora is turning into quite the mighty hunter!

This weekend we clogged up the "mouse freeway" that we had coming into our house after she caught three mice in 24 hours. She has caught two more, and we're hoping that's going to be all of her live toys, but who knows? Rob's going to check the leak again and see if there is another freeway that we might have missed in the laundry room.

Medora is a little stinker. She sure is "Daddy's Girl" and one morning she left one of her prizes in Rob's shoe. Fortuantely, she couldn't wait and took it out to play with it again before he put that shoe on. Needless to say, he was pretty grossed out by that, but it was awfully funny to watch! The look on her face was "see what I brought for you Daddy?" and I wish that I could have caught it with the camera. She certainly is earning her keep, even if mousing isn't the reason that we got her.

Homer and Pumpkin? Couldn't care less. I'm not sure they know what a mouse is. Hercules does all of his hunting outside, and still brings his gristly gifts to put on our sidewalk.

Thank goodness.

I was home sick for 1/2 of Tuesday and all of Wednesday. As you can imagine, I had nurse cats sprawled all over me. That was fine as I was mostly sleeping and I'm sure that I felt great with my fever, all nice and warm. Plus the electric blanket, which Pumpkin has really taken to. She's really snuggly anyhow, but we call her "Dream Girl" as she mostly comes out at night to snuggle her people. She did spend most of my sick time with me though, so that was nice, even if she is a bed hog.

So I'm back at work today, still feeling a little funky, but overall much better. My fever broke yesterday, so I'm at least on the up-side of all this now.

Thank goodness.

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