Stupid Ebayers and Sugar Beets - (2007-09-29, 8:54 a.m.)

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Not much to say lately - been busy, but not with much that's important.

It's sugar beet time again. The farmers run from 2 am to 2 pm or 2 pm to 2 am. So I guess the goal was to make everybody's beet hauling hours suck equally? I don't know.

The whole operation is pretty Rube Goldberg, and my Dad has helped out in years past, but our farmer neighbor has rented out all his beet stock so he doesn't farm beets anymore.

The highways are filled with dirt clumps from the beet trucks and of course this is going to be so fun when it starts to rain...the roads become very slippery.

In other news, Rob and I have been selling stuff on Ebay and have encountered a non-paying bidder. I mean really. Who are these stupid people? You don't want it, don't bid on it!! Now I'm sitting on income that could be applied to other areas and had another bidder who still wanted the item? What a pain in the butt. She emailed back only once to tell me "I pay on paypal, check account!" Um, no honey, you didn't. I checked.

I'm cranky today as I got up late...and we're supposed to go to a wedding tonight and I'm just NOT in the mood.

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