The Hot Cash - (2007-09-19, 11:06 a.m.)

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One of my co-workers had a great call this morning.

Apparently an elderly couple doesn't trust banks and was hiding money throughout their household.

Literally, the couple has been stuffing money into their mattress. Apparently the mattress is now full. This is an amount of money that I couldn't even comprehend in cash, but go figure. Some customers are weird.

Well, I guess she decided to store some of the extra money in the oven. He chose to make a pizza.

Guess what he did?

He got hungry and made a pizza! (I swear, I can't make this stuff up...)

After he torches all their cold cash, they come into the "evil" bank and want to know what we can do to help.

My friend started laughing, and she apologized to the banker, but she couldn't help it. The banker told her;

"I told them next time they might want to freeze it instead."

Good. Lord.

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