Job Interview! - (2007-04-27, 10:13 a.m.)

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Something that I haven't talked about here much - the fact that I'm totally bored with my job.

I get paid well. Don't get me wrong, but the bartending thing helps out too. Makes me feel more secure with the whole money thing. In fact, I got a 5% raise here in March! Woo! It amounted to make enough of a difference where I'm seeing a nice change in the amount of my direct deposit into my checking every two weeks, and we'll leave it at that.


There's this opening at work for a Scheduling Analyst. I used to be a number cruncher in college, so I put in for it a few weeks ago, and then promptly shoved it to the back of my brain where I put all the stuff that I don't (or try not to) think about.

Guess who got an email requesting an interview for Monday?

ME! (I almost fell out of my chair.)

Competition at the bank is quite fierce, so we'll see what happens. But I have an INTERVIEW! That's got to count for something, right?

So keep your fingers crossed (if there's anyone who still reads here, that is) and send any good interview tips onward my direction.

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