Banging head on monitor - (2006-10-06, 10:35 a.m.)

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Yesterday, shall we say, was a challenging day at work.

It went something like this:

Banker: I need help to do x, y and z.

Kat: Okay, I'll be glad to help you with that. First, to accomplish x, we need to do a, b and c.

Banker: Oh! Okay, I'll do d, e and f?

Kat: No, actually I would suggest doing a, b and c.

Banker (talking in the background NOT to me): Okay, let me give you this approval for transaction *stuff I couldn't hear* okay you should be good. Okay, what now?

Kat: I would suggest doing a, b and c.

Banker: Oh, okay. So I'll do a, d and e?

Kat (banging head on monitor): No, actually I would try a, b and c.

(Kat's cubemate turns around and looks at her, starts giggling uncontrollably)

This is how my day went. All eight hours of it. Don't get me wrong, I do like my job quite a bit. It was just yetserday I must not have been in the mood for whining and people calling for help that then were unable to follow instructions or flat out told me that I was lying about what to do to fix problem x.


Thank goodness today I have the day off and I don't have to go anywhere! I should go to the grocery store, but with no cash, that's a moot point now, isn't it?

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