10 things - (2006-09-21, 3:59 p.m.)

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I know, I know. I've been slacking.

Dear Ms. Jenn, I'm okay, just trying to take things day by day, and sometimes I run out of energy at the end of it. I'm tired of being tired, and sick of being sick. Like others in the area, I am presently battling a lovely bout of the flu. I still feel like crap, but I think I'm on the upside of things now.

I've been tagged by my Mom so here goes:

10 things I love about me:

1. I'm very good at my job. I'm told this repeatedly!
2. I have gorgeous hair, even though I need to have it cut and colored again and can't afford it.
3. I love my pets, and everyone else's.
4. I am 100% loyal to my friends.
5. Speaking of friends, I'm blessed with amazing ones that I know would do just about anything for me.
6. I try to have an open mind about just about everything.
7. I am very well educated
8. For the most part, I actually like my body. Of course I would like to lose a little weight, but 10 lbs. really isn't that much to complain about.
9. I've been described as a wonderful woman who's very strong.
10. I learn things very fast.

Ten things about myself that I hate:

1. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
2. Sometimes I'm to trusting.
3. I like my little house, but I wish for more.
4. I'm 30 years old, and I feel as though my body has failed me.
5. I wish my arms worked better. Hands, too.
6. I hate being broke all the time.
7. I have bad habits that I wish I could change.
8. Depression sucks.
9. I miss Dave, and I hope that everything turns out okay.
10. I have had surgery way to many times.

I will tag whoever wants to do this, but for sure my Sis.

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