Interview - (2006-06-22, 8:31 a.m.)

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These five questions are from Janetta, my fellow "lady who lunches." Heh.

Here's the scoop: if you want to participate, leave me a note and I will come up with five questions for you, too!

1. If you had the ability to change 1 single thing in your life, what would it be?

More cash flow. Disability does NOT pay the bills, and now that I'm having to fight with Workman's Comp, things could get ugly fast. My savings account which I've worked so freaking hard on would be gone in 2 months if I didn't have Dave's help.

Cash flow is also something that Dave is worried about also. He lets his employer abuse him (editorial coming, here) to the point where last night he was told that he was going to be leaving for GF a day early for this install. Guess the IT manager of this company is more than slightly pushy. She wants it all done yesterday. He's stressing because he hasn't done some of this stuff in a long time.

Cash flow would buy me some more peace of mind about getting a new(er) larger house, not having to argue with workman's comp, being able to be a stay at home Mom someday, etc. etc.

2. What is your major pet peeve out of everything?

That's a good question. It's kind of a blanket statement, but stupid and rude people really piss me off.

3. Do you believe in reincarnation? Either way, please explain. If you do, what/who do you think you would come back as or do think you may have had a past life?

I don't know. I am a Christian, so I believe in heaven and hell, but reincarnation? I'm not sure. It's not something that I've given a lot of thought, beyond just casually. I mean, I wish sometimes that I could trade places with my cats or with my dogs...they've got the life and don't really have to worry about much as they're well taken care of (read - SPOILED)!

4. Education, money, everything aside, what would be your dream job and why?

I don't know. Janetta, you ask tough questions!!! Probably a stay at home Mom, as I'm not a big believer in having a day care raise my kids. Just a personal opinion. If I'm the one that has them, I get to be the one that brings them up. Make sense?

5. How long ago did you start blogging and what got you into it, so to speak?

My first entry over at my other website was late September 2001. So it's been almost 5 years. I stopped while I was going through my divorce and things got ugly as I didn't want to give the ex ammo to come back at me, but I've always found writing to be very theraputic. I've made a lot of great "internet friends" that I hope someday to meet. I could go Northeast and see "Cosmic," to Texas to see Mandy, to Georgia to see Blaise, to SC to see "Major Tom," etc. etc. Blogging is cheaper than going to a therapist, and sometimes I can get my thoughts organized better by writing them down. Sometimes not. I can vent and say what I need to without sometimes saying it directly to the person that I'm thinking about, and this often saves hurt feelings. I can't imagine not writing, you know? It's hard to think, it's been five years...

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