Workman's Comp Sucks Again - (2006-05-24, 4:29 p.m.)

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All that I am going to say right now is that WSI can kiss my ass. They're giving my surgeon's office a difficult time about whether or not they're going to pay for my surgery.

Of course, last time they called me 5 minutes before they closed and said that they "probably aren't going to be paying for my surgery as the doctor on staff there can't see how my injury is related to my job." By fucking Voice Mail.

Excuse me???

So the surgery scheduling nurse called me and tried to persuade me to change the surgery date from tomorrow onto a future date. Nope. Sorry - I don't give a rat's ass at this time if they're going to pay for it or not. I cannot live like this anymore!!! If they choose not to pay, I will pay my own personal insurance deductable and hire a lawyer. We had already earmarked about $2k to do so from the last hassle from my left arm surgery.

Good grief. These people are lucky I don't live close to the state capital. The term "going postal" could be renamed "going workman's comp!"

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