How I Met Todd's Ex - (2006-05-03, 12:00 p.m.)

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I think I entered bizzaro world yesterday. Seriously. I went to Home Depot and made a new friend.

Here's how our conversation went:

K/Me: Hi, I need some paint, and I also have some questions on how to refinish some furniture that went through a flood?

J/Her: Oh, gosh! Sorry to hear that. Where do you live?

Me: I live out by S****, right by the ******* River. I had some furniture in storage that I wanted to put in the kiddo's room, but it got pretty wet this time around.

J: Oh, if you live out there, do you know Todd *****?

Me: Yeah. You're looking at his ex-wife.

J: (jaw drops, eyes get really REALLY big) Oh, really?

Me: Yep. How do you know Todd?

J: Well, we dated for about 4 months last summer.

Me: Is that so?

J: Yes. How's he doing?

Me: Well, I don't talk to him all that often, but Wausau, WI seems to be going well for him. He's still bitching about women though, and thinks that he's going to be single forever. (I have my ways of knowing this - people tell me things.) So, how was dating Todd for you?

J: Well, it was okay at first, but I think he's got some issues.

Me: Tell me about it, that's why I'm his EX wife.

Anyhow, our converation went on, and it sounds like he was really "weird" with her. He would ask her repeatedly if she was okay with the fact that he was going through a divorce...he had her read the divorce decree and she told me that she wasn't sure why he wanted her to do that.

Meanwhile, he brought this little chicky named Rachel to the divorce proceeding with him, and then brought her out to the CB with him one night, and advised a certain someone that they were "serious" and Rachel wanted to move to KC with him.

I guess he asked J to move to KC with him too. Who the hell is Rachel, anyhow? According to J, she was with him during this time period. And it sounds like he didn't move down to KC when he told me he did. Interesting.

He would verbally abuse her, too.

T: Go sit over there (when out at a bar) because I want to look at women.

J: Well, I'm looking at guys, so who cares?

T: No, I'm serious. None are coming over to talk to me!!! GO SIT OVER THERE!

Nice guy, eh?

He used to "play" hit her, and apparently he would have temper tantrums. Sometimes just kind of out of the blue. J said that she thought he was a very angry person.

Oh, and I'm "nothing like" what she thought I would be. I was "in it for the money" which cracks me up as I was earning more money than Todd was for the most part. I put him through school, so of course, yeah. I was in it for the money being married to a broke college student? I hardly think so.

I think he looked at my family and saw dollar signs, honestly. My parents are pretty well-to-do.


He told her that he bought everything new when he moved out. So I asked her if he still had the blue/green plaid living room set? I think that surprised her. :)

Oh, and apparently I took "all the vehicles" which was funny, as I have never owned a Dodge Durango like he told her I took beyond my Explorer and the Harley.

Let's see, what else...

She went riding motorcycle with some of Todd's friends, and it was explained to her that Joe and Todd didn't get along for a while, because Joe had to "get over some stuff."

Um, yeah. That would be Todd screwing Joe's wife Kristi. Go freaking figure. Now you know why I didn't write during the divorce - it was pretty ugly!

Overall, she thought Todd's family was nuts - the exception being Todd's Stepmom. (I still miss E*****.) Which I agreed with, and we shared stories about how nutso his Mom and Stepdad are. Both practicing alcoholics, which can make things a bit more than slightly wild.

Basically, Todd has a lot of anger issues, isn't the funny guy who always wants everyone around him to be laughing anymore. She said that all he wanted to do was drink. He was verbally abusive to her and basically an inconsiderate ass.

I have to say that's not the guy that I married. Of course if he was, we would still be married. He started acting like that about the last 1 1/2 years of our marriage. I described what he used to be like, and she was just floored. She said that's not the same person, that it couldn't be!

Oh, and she was 20 when they were dating. *yikes!* He would have been 27. Of course, he lies about his age. (Again, those sources.)

So we exchanged phone numbers and are going to go out for a drink sometime. I like her, that's the thing. She's a sweetie.

Sometimes it's odd how one makes new friends.

I may have opened some eyes about my divorce, as I haven't ever talked about it here. Not really.

Sounds like my ex-husband has turned into what he feared the most - an abusive alcoholic, and honestly I feel badly for him.

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