post first dr. appt. - (2006-04-25, 1:22 p.m.)

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i finally added the flood photos to webshots. if you want to see them to understand why i panicked, click the photo link there on the right.

went to the dr. this morning and got my bandgage off. dr. b. says that it looks good, and i'm surprised that it's not more swollen than it is. i guess it's quite a incision, but i can't see that part of my elbow, which is probably a good thing.

they took it off and i got pasty and almost passed out. i get grossed out really easily.

this afternoon i get to go see geralyn again for physical therapy, so it will be interesting to see how that goes. mom is taking me as i'm not sure that i'm capable of driving with one hand. i could, but i would rather not, you know? much less typing with one hand. this stinks. but dr's orders.

so yeah, go check out the flood photos, they're amazing. if you've been out to visit before (and some of you have) you'll kind of know where i'm standing when taking photos. it's nuts.

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