acid reflux stinks - (2006-04-22, 4:39 p.m.)

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well, this general anesthesia stuff is MOST DECIDEDLY NOT FOR ME. i have developed a case of acid reflux that is so bad it's hard for me to eat. and of course everything tasets like aluminum foil, so that's been fun, too.

the tube down my throat (that's what i'm told anyhow) apparently did some damage. the only thing that goes down well has been a vanilla shake.

dave helped me take a shower finally this afternoon, after my last shower being on thursday morning. i was starting to offend myself, and felt badly this am when i went into the walk-in clinic for the reflux.

other than that, with the help of oxycodone, i've been feelin okay - just hungry and extremely bloated from all the drugs...and i get tired easily.

again, sincere thanks for all the messages i've gotten both in notes and my guestbook. you all just make me feel so thankful :)

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