Surgery, Left Elbow then Right Elbow - (2006-04-12, 12:00 p.m.)

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So I have my first surgery on April 20th. 4/20. Hmmm...just thought about that. Heh.

Anyhow, that's like a week and a day away and I'm totally freaking out. Dave isn't likely going to be able to go with me, and Mom has a procedure (something to do with radioactive stuff put into her body and a gall bladder test???) on that day, so I'm not quite sure what exactly I'm going to do at this point. Of course, I cannot drive myself home, that's for sure. We'll see.

I have to admit that I'm really disappointed/disgusted that Dave doesn't think that he can get the day off.

Three to four weeks after my first surgery, I get to have it again on the other arm. My scars will be on my elbows, kind of on the back side/inner side and probably about 5 inches long. Pretty!

It's going to be one heck of a summer. I don't know that I'm ready for all this. But then again I don't think that I have much of a choice as I can't continue to live like this either.

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