Shopper's Remorse - (2006-03-23, 4:33 p.m.)

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Ever have shopping guilt?

Yeah, I've got it badly.

I went to physical therapy today (of course, it's Thursday and that's one of my Thursday things) and Geralyn and I were visiting while she worked on my arms.

We were talking about changes, new things, and of course she still raves about my new red 'do. I told her that I needed to go shopping badly, as everything in my closet was either worn out, age inappropriate as after all I *am* 30 now, or says "Harley Davidson" which isn't a bad thing in of itself.

I haven't been shopping for years. Years, seriously. The last shopping I did was when I was still married, and that's been about 2 1/2 years go. And of course back then, I was over 200 lbs.

So now, here I am, 50 lbs. lighter and wondering even where to start. Geralyn recommended a store at the mall New York & Co. I now have their credit card, two new shirts, a blazer and 2 of the nicest most flattering pants that I've ever had on. Well, maybe since I was 23 and 125 lbs.

Dave had given me his gift card for the mall and I had a few of my own as they give them out at work for being a high performer, but I ended up not using them. I figured I will go and pay off my credit card bill there at the store with them, as the saleslady said that I could do that.

Apparently I watch to much What Not to Wear during the day. But at least it's taught this fashion stupid tomboy a thing or two.

I wonder what Stacy and Clinton would say about my fake tattoo sleeve shirt? I'm sure that would hit the proverbial garbage can quite quickly.

So yeah, I have shopper's guilt. I mean, disability pay sucks, and Dave is willing to help me pay our bills more than his share, but I did need some clothes.

Go figure.

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