Wanna See Me Hold onto a Lightbulb? - (2006-03-09, 3:21 p.m.)

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Well, I survived. The test sucked. They basically electrocuted my arms and hands. My whole body jumped, and my arms are still shaky and hands are kind of so-so even today.

Electrocution with needles. I cried. I couldn't help it. Thank goodness Dave came with me, because I was shaking and couldn't really think straight after the testing. The only thing that I remembered the Dr. saying was "surgery shouldn't be necessary at this point" and then I just kind of tuned out. I had to ask Dave later what the Dr. said.

Apparently there's no nerve damage, so that is good news. Hopefully that means that life will get back to normal for me sooner than later.

I'm exhausted still, and wearing batteries on my arms again today from PT.

All this electricty can't be good for me, can it? I feel like I could power a light bulb just by holding it at this point!!!

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