Autographs - (2006-03-04, 9:25 p.m.)

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I forgot, I have to tag 5 people to do the same. I tag Holly, Karen, Janie, Kathy and DbFeb! Have at it, guys. :)

The lovely Jenn tagged me with this question: If you could have five autographs of anyone, living or dead, who would the be?

This is tough, as I'm not really an autograph collector. I would have said Jesse James, the bike builder, but I already have his, and had the chance to talk about painting and building bikes (2 topics close to my heart for obvious reasons). So that's out.

Here's what I came up with!

1. My grandpa. Mom's Dad. I never got a chance to meet him, and my other grandpa was an alcoholic, so I never spent much time with him. Mom's Dad died a few months before I was born. My Dad said that he was his best friend. That's a pretty serious thing to say about your father-in-law. I would love to sit down and have lunch with him and hear all about what it was like to farm back in the depression years.

2. Kat Von D from Miami Ink. (I know, I watch a lot of TV lately.) Her tattoos are amazing, and quite frankly I find her fascinating. I want to go out for a night on the town with her, and just pick her brain!

3. Albert Einstein. Just to see what he was like in person.

4. Marilyn Monroe. For some odd reason, she's always fascinated me. Such a beautiful person who seemed to have it all, and to die so young. Tragic.

5. Vin Diesel. Just so that I could drool on him.


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