Dave Passed his Test! - (2006-02-28, 8:53 a.m.)

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Honestly not a lot going on here personally for me. Still doing the PT 2x a week, still working my whopping 6 hours per week.

I'm still waiting for my disability check. You know, since I haven't been paid in a month and a half, things are getting a little *tight* around here financially. I hate having to ask Dave for money all the time. I know he doesn't mind, and we don't share bank accounts, but we do unofficially. If that makes sense. If I don't get my check today I'm going to call ND workforce safety and ask if they've gotten it back???

In other news, Dave took the written part of his Cisco Systems CE test yesterday for the first time and passed! Yay!!! I guess it's quite the difficult thing to be certified in, as only 200 people have been able to do so. He said 40% of people that take the test the first time pass, and then 20% that take the practical (which he has to take within 18 months) pass. So my smart as heck honey is on his way.

So we went out to eat at a fancy Italian restauraunt in town and to the Crowbar for a couple of beers to celebrate. I had no doubt that he would pass, he was a little concerned though.

I guess when you pass the practical exam, Cisco offers you a job on the spot. There's a Cisco guy here in the area and he makes around $150k/year, so that would be really nice. You know, since I've been told that I shouldn't continue to do what I do (or did) for a living.

That's about all, I need to go get ready for physical therapy. Ugh...

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