Pills Pills Pills - (2006-02-11, 8:20 a.m.)

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Since I have been sleeping badly, I have been remembering more of my dreams lately than usual.

There was the one where I was captured, but my main line of defense was to open my hand, palm up and blow forward on my fingers. They would shoot fire.

I have to admit, that was pretty cool.

Last night's dream though is trying to tell me something.

I was an FBI agent (and I used to live by the FBI academy in Quantico, so I remembered how all the agents in training looked) and my partner and I were assigned drug enforcement on a high school. We were sitting in a commons area, and my partner and one of the teachers was complaining that they were sore/had a headache/whatever.

"I can help!" I excalimed, then opened my pocket on my jacket and pulled out a bottle from which I dumped the following;

Tylenol gel
Muscle Relaxers (looked just like Dave's prescription)
Advil liquigel (current drug of choice)
Migraine medication

I proceeded to offer my open hand and said "Pick 2, any 2."

Think my brain is telling me that maybe I've been taking more pills than usual???

Good grief.

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