Out of work AGAIN - (2006-01-30, 11:12 a.m.)

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Guess who doesn't get to go back to work this week again?



I have to admit, this is getting ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as how many typos I make with my left hand due to the fact two fingers don't work right.

Did laundry and made the bed on Saturday morning. Went to work Christmas party for about 2 hours, and was completely exhausted afterward. Paid for doing laundry and making bed Saturday night and all day Sunday with pure exhaustion.

Dr. W says this is OKAY because that means my body is healing.

I just want my body to work right, I don't want to feel this way anymore. I am so "type A" that I have a hard time not feeling productive, and certainly a hard time not being at my freaking JOB!

I miss my job. I enjoy my job. It's fun. Not many people can say that.


Anybody have any good read recommendations? Please let me know. Thanks.

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