My Five things - (2006-01-10, 9:10 p.m.)

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Happy De-Lurking week!

So leave me a note dammit. :)

I have also been tagged by Nakedbarista, so I will list five random things about me.

1. I didn't used to be a dog person. Seriously, and you wouldn't guess it from the 2 German Shepherds that I have now, who incidentally are treated like kids as I don't have kids. My spoiled babies... I was a cat person all the way and would screech if a dog licked me on my arm/leg or goodness forbid my face! Eeekkk! I love my doggers so very much. I still love my kitties, but I love my dogs too.

2. I hate cooking. No, really. I'm thankful that Dave cooks because I am not creative enough to come up with something tasty and delicious and just don't like the effort it takes to make a good rounded home-cooked meal. Bring me the cheetoes and a diet coke and I'm a happy woman.

3. One of the biggest things that I despise about my job is bankers that don't listen. I had one today who was not understanding what I was trying to tell her, and she wouldn't let me finish a sentence she was to busy telling me the same thing over and over. I just let her keep talking and talking and talking...until she was silent. Then I asked her "are you finished? May *I* finish what I was trying to explain to you, because then you might understand what the problem is." She was to stupid to understand she was being rude as all get out.

4. I never thought I would enjoy riding my Harley as much as I do. I mean, I have withdrawls from winter months where it's to cold to ride. Spring can't come soon enough for me to be able to ride my bike again, and I have a feeling that it's not going to have to get really warm here before I'm riding again.

5. I still have "issues" about my divorce. I still sometimes feel "stupid, fat and ugly" like I felt all the time when I was married. Well, at least for the last 2 years of my marriage. Sometimes that affects my relationship with Dave and I wish that I could just get over it. Although my divorce happened so fast that I didn't have a chance to comprehend it at the time, I just kind of rode through it. Then I got a good lawyer Heh. And a good relationship and finally figured out what I had been missing. My marriage was a good one for the first few years, but while my ex was a good Marine, when he got out he turned into kind of a shit of a person. At least to me.

So there we have it! My five things. I tag...

and Cosmicrayola!

Have at it, ladies. Let's see if you're reading. xoxoxo

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