New Neptunes? - (2005-12-20, 10:24 a.m.)

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Sent Dave off this morning to Minneapolis for some tech work that will take him three days.

I always miss him when he's gone. I know it's just for a couple of days, but I miss him all the same. Even though I know that we'll get to spend a whole week together on vacation.

A week from today, I plan to be basking in the sun on the beach, none of this cold crap for me. It's 24 degrees here today, so I guess that's not all that bad. It's been a mild winter so far.

I will never again buy any GE product. Remember the dishwasher that died here about a month ago? After being used maybe once a week for about 4 years? The part that broke was about $200, and rather than futz around with fixing, we decided to replace for $450. So :P dishwasher! That thing didn't work that well anyhow as I had to wash the dishes before I put them in. Now I just shove whatever in there and it always comes out clean.

So, back to the subject. GE appliances. My washer and dryer are GE. They were purchased the beginning of 99 by the Ex for Valentine's day for me. Living third floor walk up for the past 5 years, I really (and I mean REALLY) wanted my own washer and dryer. Not to mention the fact that I'm allergic to most laundry soaps, so doing laundry in a public facility was extra-fun depending on what kind of soap the person before me used.

This last fall, we had to replace the element in the dryer. Kind of a big deal - the part wasn't bad, only $80, but the actual labor? It took my Dad an hour to get the stupid thing apart and Dave another hour to put the element in and get it all back together!

So of course, I'm starting to think to myself "Great, we're going to have to get a new washer/dryer soon too or they're going to part nickle dime us to death."

So Saturday night when I'm doing laundry, I notice this bizarre sound coming out of the laundry room.

You guessed it.

The washer wasn't working.

Dave fixed it this morning before he went down to the cities, but still...This concerns me.

We discussed it this weekend and we figured if we can get another year out of the both of them, we'll sell/give them to Kristen (his niece) and we both agree that we see a set of Maytag Neptunes in our future.

Yeah, the 'spensive ones.

Lemme tell you, for the amount of laundry that we do for the two of us even, it's going to be worth it.

Thank goodness Cisco gives out good bonuses for servicing their product!

Which brings me to another topic completely; Dave's Cisco testing. I guess there's only one more test that he can take that he hasn't taken from Cisco. When he completes the test and the lab, which he plans on doing sometime in March, he will be one of about 200 worldwide that are certified to do what he does.

Pretty cool, eh?

I'm proud of my honey - he's one of the smartest people I've ever met.

My list of the three smartest people in no particular order:
1. Darrell - my Uncle who is a rocket scientist, and retired from the Navy after designing the Sidewinder missile.
2. My Dad - who just "for fun" decides to build a cannon, a gatling gun, cars, custom motorcycles, etc. etc. He has no college degree, but he just "gets things" you know?
3. Dave - He's one of the best in his field in the Midwest, is creative and on top of all that, has common sense too!

Lots of things going on.

I need to start packing tonight too.


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