This is why I hate Christmas Shopping - (2005-12-18, 9:07 p.m.)

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Letter to the Mother in Bath & Body Works Saturday Night...

To Whom It May Concern:

Contrary to what you might think or believe, the general public does not enjoy your two boy brats slapping and hitting each other in the face hard enough to make welts on each other. Nor do they enjoy all the screaming and screeching that goes with it.

It is possible to ignore, you do it very well. Most just choose to look the other way. While you had your back turned, your two imps were busy pummeling each other and knocking things over in the store.

When they did get a little louder, rather than just turning around and telling them mildly to "stop it" I might suggest actually getting their attention in some manner and trying the "if-you-don't-stop-that-right-now-we're-leaving-immediately" tactic. Others in the store I'm sure would have appreciated it, myself included.

I have to say, it was hard for me to hold my tongue and not tell you what I thought of you and your two brats when they, in the excitement of beating on each other in public, backed their heavy mall rental stroller into me hard enough to knock me into the store shelves and make me shriek, as I thought I was going over along with the thousands of bottles on display. When I went home and told Dave, he was pretty angry that you allowed that to happen. I think it's a good thing that he wasn't there, although maybe not as he would have told you what we both thought of you and your lack of parenting skills.

I'm sure you were "sorry." But I have to ask, if you were really "sorry" would you continue to allow your children to display unacceptable behavior in public? What kind of kids are you raising??? From what I could see, they were the kind that don't listen, that need instant gratification, and have a problem with authority. That's going to be society's problem in 15 years or so. Maybe you'll be "sorry" then. But I'm not thinking so, just judging from your behavior.

What's worse, is to demand your hellish children to tell me "sorry" and they wouldn't stop screaming it until I left their eyeshot. That's not appropriate either, and I'm fairly certain that those children didn't know what they had done wrong as you didn't take the time to explain to them, they were just "following orders." Which I guess surprised me, honestly, because you raised your voice a notch. For the first time.

But I guess it's okay then, to allow your kids to beat each other up in public, but...wait again, how is that okay again? You didn't raise your voice and ignored them when they were.



The Woman at Bath & Body Works who almost got plowed over

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