Dave's Pants - (2005-11-14, 10:18 p.m.)

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Dave loves his new job. I'm so happy for him.

It was a fashion show last night though - digging through the closet to see what still fits and what doesn't of course, and then some of the pants. Well, we'll just say that he's not a 32 anymore.

Me: Honey, you're really not going to still wear those pants, are you?

Dave: Why not? What's wrong with them?

Me: Um, well, they're a little tight.

Dave: No, they're okay.

Me: Walk around in them, come over to this side of the bed.

(Dave walkes over to my side of the bed)

Me: Um, hon, please don't wear those pants.

Dave: Why not? They're a little worn, but they're okay!

Me: Dear, they're tight enough in the crotch that you can see your package!

Dave: What? Why are you looking at that? Nobody besides you would be looking there anyhow.

Me: Well maybe normally, but it kinda looks a little more prominent than normal if you know what I mean. I don't think those pants would impress your clients. Or maybe they would.

Dave: Hahahahaha!

Me: Exactly. I would rather not see you wear those pants, as they don't fit and I don't want other women eyeing you up anyhow.

Dave: (sighs) Okay, guess you're right. (grumbles) I still don't think anybody but you would notice...

So yes, it was entertaining. We decided that we really need to go shopping, and since we have kiddo this next weekend, that would be a good time. So we'll drag her out to the mall (ack!) and get Dave some new stuff. Including socks as I'm not washing that much all the time. Seriously, this is going to add an extra laundry load if not two every week. Yucko.

Maybe I need to "break" the washer and ask for new ones? Hah!

It was freaking hot at work today. Seriously - they're having problems with the heating/cooling of our building so it was 80+ degrees where I'm at, and there was another area where it was freeeeeeezing. I was talking to Andrea on the phone and I told her I had gotten a cup of ice from the lunch room and stuck it in my bra.

I thought she was going to pee her pants.

Hey, just being honest!

Other than the fact that I turn 30 tomorrow that's about all that's going on. Going out for darts and drinks after work.


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