My 7 Points - (2005-10-20, 11:42 a.m.)

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My gosh I looked and it's been 2 weeks since I last updated!

I know I've been busy and been thinking about stuff to write, but I didn't realize that it had been 2 weeks!

Okay, I will touch base on a couple of major points going on here:

1. Refinancing the house has turned into a fucking nightmare. I'm not going to be able to cover the whole value of the house, don't have the extra cash and have to get flood insurance if I go through the bank that I've been working with since APRIL. The first banker that I was working with LIED to me and now we've got major problems. Hopefully the ex isn't going to be an ass about this, I'm doing the best I can to get this done - trust me, I have NO reason to stretch it out.

2. It's time to sell my Explorer. I have an offer for a car that I can't refuse and the ability to pay cash for it and then won't have a car payment anymore for the first time in my adult life. Bonus, eh? I have no reason to really keep it, as Dave has a Silverado and when I need to tow or haul something he would let me use his truck. He tells me to take his truck *now* for things, so I don't really need the extra expense of gas/insurance/car payment when I can get a car that's just a couple of years old, in good shape for $1500. Thank you, Brother Don. You're a lifesaver!!! :)

3. Where the heck did summer go?

4. Last weekend we took a motorcycle trip up to Itasca State Park where the Mississippi river starts. We made a weekend out of it and it was the most fun that I've had for a long time.

5. About 2 weeks ago, it finally hit me that I'm to the point I would be okay being married again. For a long time I wasn't, but now I just *am*. I have no explanation for this at all beyond just having a great relationship and being so darn happy all the time. There's been a lot of stuff going on with Dave, so we haven't had a chance to talk about this yet, but that brings me to point...

6. Dave needs to find a new damned job. His boss is a control-freak and one of the most manipulative people I've ever seen. She is essentially headhunting Dave and another guy (keep in mind there's only 4 people on their "team" including her) and she is so darn threatened by him it's disgustingly obvious to everyone but her and other management. She talked herself "up" so much and has nothing to back her supposed experience up with that she needs Dave's expert knowledge and she just can't stand it. She's basically made work a living hell for him and he's so burned out and cranky when he comes home at night because he's been spending 90% of his time doing damage control... I wish there was somthing that I could do to help him, but I'm powerless in this one and it's frustrating for me too. Which brings me to...

7. We may be moving. There's an offer in a city about 4 hours South of here (no, NOT Minneapolis thank God as we both agreed that we will NOT move there) that's tough for him to turn down. I could work there as that's one of the spots that my company is headquartered out of, but moving would be a logistical nightmare. We have the house, the dogs, the cats, our families and the kiddo all to consider. Ugh, what a mess.

So yeah, in a nutshell, that's what's been going on in my house. How about yours???

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