Surgery - (2005-08-31, 8:58 p.m.)

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Okay, finally at home with a little extra time. Dave and the parents are apparently out for a bike ride.

Here's the scoop.

I have surgery on my leg next Wednesday, and am not eligable for FMLA. So of course my time off isn't "approved" which makes me "bad" etc. etc. at work. Sorry. Fuck you, I need some help, I'm tired of being in constant pain. The surgeon is going to cut into my leg, pull the vein out that's hurting me all the time out from ankle to upper thigh.

Think I would rather be at work?


Think it makes me even madder that my time off won't be "approved?" You betcha.

Dr. told me to expect to take a minimum of three days off work, preferrably five. That's not going to be able to happen folks. I'm going to be drugged and back at work.

Gotta love corporate America, eh?

Well, at least I still have a job, right? My bank didn't blow away or anything or flood in storm surge.

I am praying for the Katrina victims. Reminds me of Grand Forks in 97. Scary stuff.

Gotta run!

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