I wish I had smaller boobs - (2005-08-18, 9:36 p.m.)

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Today hasn't gone all that well. I wanted to ride the Harley to work, but it rained all morning and the highway was wet. It was supposed to rain off and on all day, so I didn't ride. Guess what? Of course it didn't rain again! Argh...

My leg is hurting me today big time. I can't wait until my surgical consult here in about 1 1/2 weeks. It's time to get this taken care of, but of course there are only 2 doctors in the area, and they are soooo impossible to get into for a consult. It's taken 3 months to get to this point and I'm tired of wearing an ace bandage around my calf all the time. I have ace bandage tan lines. Heh.

I am trying to find a better source to buy Ipex bras than ebay. I know, Vic's secret, but my gosh, they want $45/ea for the doggone things!

Here's the thing, and you may not be able to sympathize with me, but I've got a big chest. Like big when I tell the sales people at Vic's secret, they kind of go "oh" and point out the few bras that they have in stock in my size. Last time there were four, I was suprised!!! I have been trolling Ebay without much luck, and keep thinking "If I were just one cup smaller" or "If I were just one size smaller in inches" I would be able to go nuts with bras for less than retail. But Noooooo, I have to be a 38D. Dammit.

So yeah, I do need a good bra. Otherwise things tend to bounce around when I'm walking, and as we all know that's just not that attractive and pretty low-class. So I'm stuck.

Dave's leg is hurting him today too. It's just been a tough day. Thankful tomrorrow is Friday and that the street dance is Friday night, and then we're going out to the lake!!! At least I have something to look forward to even if it's been a tough day.

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