The Lake - (2005-08-03, 9:11 a.m.)

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I am so absolutely tired it's not even funny. I generally haven't been having problems sleeping at night, but last night I just didn't sleep well at all. Not fun.

What's been going on? Well, lots of motorcycle riding, went out to the lake this last weekend and my parents met his parents - everyone seems to get along well, and my Dad took his Mom for a ride on the back of his motorcycle. Dave was just shocked as his Mom (he thought) doesn't like bikes. LOL She was waving at everyone like a prom queen!

My Mom went on the boat with Dave's Dad - my Mom hates water, so that was a surprise too. But it went really well, and everybody likes each other, which is definitely more than I can say for the ex and my family...

Dave and I have both hurt our backs - him waterskiing and me goodness only knows. He has to try to remember that he's not 22 anymore, and not to try to do tricks and all that stuff when he's skiing. :) He says "yeah, I can really move it for an old fat guy!" Yeah, honey 200 lbs. is "fat" when you're 6'3" for pete's sake.

That's about it. I'm tired, and I should go get ready for work.

More later.

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