Tired, Riding and Surgery - (2005-07-28, 9:54 p.m.)

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I am tired, but I had a migraine last night, so didn't sleep well.

Dave, my parents, and some family friends all went for a motorcycle ride last night and it turned out to pour and hail on them before they got home!! I'm happy I didn't go, but we did go for a ride tonight just around S, the little town that I live by.

The Harley and I are getting more comfortable with each other. It's a bigger bike than what I have gotten used to, but it's getting there. I am learning how to shift better and corner better, and not to be so scared of the bike because it's BIG! It's just going to take some time I think riding to get used to it.

Went to the doctor today re: my vericose veins and I have an appointment with a surgeon in August. I have to call and reschedule to see if I can't find something that works better around my work schedule, but sounds like I'm going to have surgery for sure on my legs. Ever since that accident when one of the dogs ran into my leg and broke a vein I've been having a lot of pain and wearing an Ace bandage wrapped around one leg (my right one) from ankle to knee! I'm ready to get rid of it, because I'm sick and tired of always hurting and just, everything.

So yeah, that was my day. Spent a chunk of change at Wal-Mart, then got my nails done (my one vanity), went to the doctor and went to get my motorcycle license at the DMV...which of course took forever.

Gosh, I'm tired, can you tell by my writing?

I'm going to go lay down.


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