Ex strikes again, or...tries to. - (2005-07-11, 10:31 p.m.)

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FYI I turned the guestbook back on, comments on this one would be appreciated!

From the Ex:

I called Discover again and verified that the card that I have, that I pay a bill for every month does not have your name on it. I also verified that I do not have another account with them that I didn't know about. If a card is still showing up on your credit report, then it has nothing to do with me. I have no other verification to give you or your lawyer other than what I have already sent. As far as the IRA goes, there was never any interest repayment agreed upon in the divorce decree. Good try though. I have paperwork stating that the shares have already been transferred. I expect a check in my posession by the end of July since I have held up my end of the divorce decree along with getting the shaft on the credit card bills. Please do not threaten to take me to court again. Not that it bothers me, just makes you look greedy and petty. Remeber who got caught cheating, who admitted it to me, and I'm still getting screwed because of it?

On a lighter note, congratulations again on your new life. Hopefully everything works out for you and your new family. I am truly happy for you. Good luck to you and yours.

My response:


You used the credit cards, not me. I wasn't allowed to have them or the check card, remember?

I don't see how you're still getting "screwed" as you were seen cheating (a couple times), but I guess now that's neither here nor there. It was your decision to leave, and now in hindsight I thank you for that.

When I have paperwork showing the transfer from Davis Funds or from Steve Stremick, I will send you a check. Not before. If that doesn't happen before the end of July, you won't have a check by the end of July. So far I haven't gotten anything.

I only brought up court because I know from past experience that you tend to be a procratinator and I want this done with, that's all. I don't want this hanging over my head when Dave and I look into a construction loan.

Any comment on the student loan that supposedly didn't exist but has my name on it?

I guess I thought you were over being angry, but I can see from the tone of your email that you're not. For what it's worth, life is a lot better not being angry all the time over stuff that won't ever change. You were always a pretty angry person though, whether you realize it or not. I hope that you're able to work through that someday. You're never truly free until you can let it go, and then life just gets better from there. You made the decision (maybe that's why it's easier for me to deal with, it wasn't my decision) and we both have to live with it.

Let me know about the loan please.



I mean what the fuck? Now he's getting pissy because I have a happy life and he doesn't? Or what??? Is he jealous as someone else has what he used to have (and more)? I am soooo much the happier person now. I mean, what the ex and I had was good back when we lived in VA. Not ideal, but good. But what I have now is even better, a relationship based on so much more than I've ever had before in my LIFE. Like, EVER.

Don't act like someone stole your toy kiddo, you gave it away. Not to mention abused it and neglected it before you did. So WTF, ya know?

One of the big things is, I grew up and he never did. Guess that last note from him proved that, didn't it? Still up and at it with the catty little snide remarks because he knows they'll get under my skin. And you know what? They do. But you know what I do now? I go hug Dave. Tell him how much I appreciate having him in my life, how happy I am that we are a family, (the dogs, the cats, the kid)and how much I love him.

I guess somewhere down deep inside the Ex, there is that man that was a good person, but perhaps that's not the case anymore, he's to deeply buried in all his anger/hatred to even be that person anymore. I don't know, and I'm thankful that's not my problem.

Oh, and FYI - his "best friend's" wife? The one that he was seen messing around with and out on "dates" and stuff with? Yeah, they're getting a divorce. Talked to her brother last weekend and also heard that his "best friend" was trying to sell her wedding ring back to help pay for a lawyer. Poor guy, I grew up with him. Always thought she was kind of a bitch/user (guess she proved that) and I betcha she's going to take the poor guy to the cleaners. Women like her give the rest of us a bad name.

Not to mention fucking my ex when we were all still married to our respective spouses or anything either.

Good grief. I have moved ON with my life and he just can't stand it, can he?

Build a damned bridge, and get over it buddy. Nobody cares about it anymore but you and I've been over it since last fall, after I met Dave.

I could pontificate further, but I just don't want to expend the energy. He's just not worth it anymore.

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