Decking and stuff - (2005-06-25, 7:37 p.m.)

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Wow, I haven't updated in 10 days, guess you can tell I've been busy!

Let's see...

Went to the ER about a week ago. I was out playing with the dogs and one of them ran into my leg, and subsequently burst a vein. So I'm walking over to my parent's house, and it starts swelling, and it's growing visibly bigger by the the end it looked like I had a golf ball in my leg and it was all purple! I was so grossed out and it really hurt quite badly! Like "something is majorly wrong" type pain rather than "this freaking hurts" pain. Yeah, bad deal. So I'm bandaged up courtesy of Ace bandages and will probably end up having to have vericose vein surgery on my leg so that something like this never happens again. It was disgusting, but I'm still thankful I have medical insurance.

We started building the deck today, and we have most of the foundation up. We're discussing using the little stoop that the Ex built, but his construction would have to have a major revamp as what Dave's doing makes Ex's stuff look like Tinkertoys.

Uh, gotta go. Dave's home!

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