Decking and Responsibility - (2005-05-18, 9:15 p.m.)

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Oh my goodness am I tired tonight. I should:

-pay bills
-paint the office
-go do errands
-snuggle with my man some more

but I'm really tired to do much of anything. Bills can wait, the office will still be here tomorrow, I will have more errands to do later and I will snuggle with my man tonight after he comes to bed.

Have I mentioned how much I love him? Oh yes I do. More than anything. :)

We're going to build our new deck this Sunday, and some friends are coming out to help -- should be a really good time had by all. Steve is bringing his 5 year old daughter Abby out, and of course she fascinates me (she's one of the most beautiful little girls I've ever seen!!!) and she wants to play with the dogs and kitties. So I said "bring her out!"

Had a great time joking around with Mickey at work tonight before I came home. We have determined that we rode the school bus together in 3rd grade and had some of the same friends in High School. But he had moved away a few towns over. It's still a small world around here though. Gotta love MN/ND.

I am almost done with all the divorce crap - just have to sign on a few more refinancing dotted lines and I will be done done done! Finally. And good riddance.

We're starting to save for a bigger house next month too - excited for that. He wants to have a huge ass downpayment so we'll have a little tiny mortgage. Oh, but he wants a five bedroom. Uffda, as us Norwegians say. That's a lotta house.

I'm starting to not make sense, I'm going to go put my pjs on and go sit on the new couch with my honey.

Homer the cat had me up at 5:30 am and I couldn't go back to sleep this morning, so I'm a little incoherent.

:) G'night.

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