Cleaning out my Closet - (2005-04-19, 10:08 a.m.)

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I think I finally have the time to do this diary again. Life is good - I quit the job yesterday and it went better than expected. lol

Sales Manager wouldn't even speak to me except for to be rude - I had asked to speak with Store Manager only without her and she HATES it when she's not included. I'm guessing that she gathered that I'm quitting partially because of her and I don't think she liked it. She can't stand it when others say unflattering things about her, and belive me I had a lot to say.

I am thinking that this afternoon I'm going to go through my bedroom and master bathroom to clean out the closet and dresser drawers...because...

We're getting our new bedroom set on Friday!

So I figured that I would try to clean out the dresser/closet/master bathroom/Dave's dresser and get all that done.

Want to have that all done before Dave comes home this evening for supper, then was going to work on Elizabeth's afghan (his daughter).

I also want to get some new reads. Any suggestions? Leave me a note.

OH happy day!!!

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