Spring Cleaning and Job Hunting - (2005-01-31, 4:32 p.m.)

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I've been applying for jobs left and right over the last few days. Really don't want to have to be working every freaking weekend when Dave and his family go out to the lake...and right now it's kind of a bummer because when he has his daughter, they go down to W*******, where he's from, and I don't see either one of them all weekend. :(

That's about all that's really new around here, just doing the job hunt thing and taking care of the house. I have some reorganization that I need to do: the kitchen, the extra bedroom (for Dave's daughter) and the office. All three have become disaster areas, and I know that there is a lot that can be pitched in there. So spring cleaning has bit I guess. The weather has been warm, so I guess it's no surprise!

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