Tomorrow, tomorrow! - (2004-12-06, 9:51 p.m.)

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I am soooo ready for D to come home. I'm talking to him online right now and he's:

"Dave: Yeah, lookin forward to you putting me in a good mood!"

I can't wait until noon tomorrow when I get to go pick him up at the airport. We have both missed each other so much I know, and are just both looking forward to spending some quality time together again tomorrow night. I managed to mostly get my stuff done around the house - cleaning, dusting, laundry etc. - so that we can just get home, make supper tomorrow and spend some time together watching movies or something. And of course I miss his hugs and kisses, so I will have plenty of catching up to do on that front as well. ;)

That's all, just wanted to make a quick update.

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