Happy 29th! - (2004-11-15, 2:49 p.m.)

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It's my birthday! I'm 29. So different this year than last year. 55 lbs. lighter for starters and have shorter hair. Much happier...

"D" took me shopping at Kohl's for my birthday yesterday and then out for supper. Then off to "his bar" for drinks and darts. I kicked some butt at pinball too - I'm kind of a junkie like that. :)

Today we went out for lunch, I went grocery shopping so that I had some food in the house - also cleaned out the fridge/cupboards and then I'm going to clean up a little in the house.

There are other developments with Todd, although I don't think he reads here anymore (hopefully he's been able to MOVE ON FOR GOD'S SAKE) however what I write could be used against me, so I'm going to just keep quiet for now. I just really wish that he would leave me alone. He isn't able to push my buttons anymore and it's like he thinks he still can. I have better things to think about and other things to concentrate on.

The shop party was fantastic this weekend for my birthday. Got some cute stuff, although I didn't really expect or necessarily want anyone to bring me anything. :) It was a good surprise. Interestingly enough, my friend Sarah and I - our boyfriends grew up together. lol So Carl and "D" know each other from wayyy back. How cool is that?

So yes. Happy birthday to me. This next year is going to be a great one, I can just feel it. :D

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