Happy with D - (2004-11-10, 10:35 a.m.)

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So, after all this time I unlocked again. My divorce is almost final (I hope) but Todd's lawyer has been dragging his feet BIG TIME not to mention that he never provided "Answers" "Production of Documents" and a bunch of other legal stuff. So, I don't know if Todd understands what a horrible reputation his lawyer has around the area, but he's notorious for overbilling and not doing anything! Thank goodness for Gary Z who recommended my lawyer, who I pay happily because I think she kicks ass.

Things with the new man are going wonderfully. For purposes here, I'll just call him "D". She thinks he's very cute and I happen to think that she's right.

Believe it or not, my parents are almost encouraging us to move in together and get it done!

He stays with me every night - and has admitted that he misses me to much to do otherwise. The one night that his neice was here he stayed in town with her and couldn't sleep. All together now - awwwww!

Not getting ahead of ourselves here, but things are going good, and like I had mentioned before I have realized how badly I cheated myself in my marriage by "putting up" and just letting things slide.

So yes, he's fantastic, life is good.

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