Leaving and Lost - (2004-03-19, 8:40 a.m.)

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He's leaving me. He's moving out next week because he thinks that he's leading me on in ways that he's not intending to. He said that he doesn't know that he can get past this. Right now, he doesn't think so. He found an apartment, and until then is living at Joe and Kristi's.

What am I going to do? I had an anxiety attack last night and then threw a tantrum screaming "I want my husband!" for about 1 1/2 hours.

I told him that because there was more good than bad, that we should at least TRY counseling. He isn't sure that he wants to do that. He said that he would think about it this weekend.

God, I hope that he chooses to go to counseling with me.

I could really use someone to talk to, I'm here all by myself this weekend and have no clue what the fuck I'm going to do with myself.

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