I'm worried - (2004-03-18, 1:24 p.m.)

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Waiting waiting waiting for the laundry to dry so that I can go into town, pick up my meds, get a job application for County Correctional Officer (which I'm overqualified for but the pay is good) and go to counseling.

Hubby won't let me touch him. It hurts so badly. I told him that I love him and touched his leg - he moved it and said "Don't touch me, okay?"

Talked with K this morning and let him know what was going on. I have a problem -- Jenn, the person that I stayed with in Houston, she's kind of been an instigator in all this. "Oh Kat go ahead and post a personal ad. What harm can it do?" "Just forget about your marriage. It was bad before, so why suffer through all of this and be unhappy for the rest of your life?" Things like that.

It almost seems as though she was trying to create drama, and she sure has suceeded.

What bothers me now is that she's been so negative to me and I know that she's been lying about a few things - I've caught her! I haven't brought it up, but I know that it's there. She's fudging information.

The problem with all this is, she's been talking to Hubby a lot. Online and on the phone. I can't imagine what bullshit she's tried to tell him about what I was doing when I was down there. Or goodness, what I said about him, none of which was all that bad - but was the truth.

I just don't want her discouraging him from giving our relationship the chance that it deserves. And I'm willing to bet on the fact that she is.

I told all this to K and he got pissed. Even though he's been divorced, he said that it wasn't her business and she should stay out of it. It is up to US to make decisions about what we're going to do (actually I know what I want to do, I hope that Hubby agrees) rather than trying to lie to him and influence his decision.

And she's very persistent.

I'm worried.

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