Locking, probably for good. To much incrimination. - (2004-01-15, 6:34 p.m.)

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I'm locking, as I've sent this letter to HR where I used to work...

Hi Julie,

I still want to see documentation of the four records that I supposedly handled incorrectly.

The only one that I was shown -- the record that I had sent back to the agent didn't have any information on it that there would have been a trouble ticket sent previously on it in documentation and Asia ( the one who does Orbitz Tech ) does not document -- Sheri has told me that in the past -- and it would have been saved in my Customer service folder in my email unless that has already been erased.

I feel that I have the right to know about these four cases that are part of the reason that I am being terminated since I had a doctors note for being ill as my reason for being out the last week.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I have been keeping notes on this side and there are many things about the way that my situation was handled that I just don't feel comfortable with, and I am considering seeking legal counsel.

I still think it's a bunch of bull.

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