Johnson's Baby is good for Big Baby too - (2004-01-03, 11:29 a.m.)

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I had forgotten to mention, Hubby and I just celebrated the big five year anniversary on December 31st. For our anniversary Mom and Dad gave us cash to buy his books for this next semester. Whatever works, right? :)

I wanted to respond to something that was left in my guestbook by PoeticaL. She's a smart lady, and has always had my respect. But she really put it into perspective for me once again. Thanks again for that sweetie. *kisses*

I am enjoying my day off at home, fighting a sinus infection. Ick, I just hate those! I'm just fresh out of a shower wearing my cozy weekend clothes consisting of fleece everything and snitched socks out of Hubby's dresser from when he was doing cold-weather stuff that keep my tootsies warm as toast. If you ever need to keep warm, Carhart stuff is the way to go! I'm digressing...

Anyhow, I used that Johnson's baby wash in the blue bottle that is supposed to be good for babies that have colds, and let me tell you, it works for the big babies too. (Like me.)

I'm going to go lay down again and hope perhaps that I can get into some of the movie watching on TV later on this afternoon. Right now Harry Potter beckons. My head is so stuffed up that it needs a pillow.

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