Me and my Topomax - (2003-12-04, 6:13 p.m.)

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Is it me or is the Diaryland community changing?

It just seems that most people don't leave guestbook love or notes much anymore, and many aren't updating as much as they used to. Maybe it's just my "circle" so to speak, but I guess others have noticed as well.

I maintain a page over at scribblejournal too and it just seems as though the people over there are more active? I don't know. Perhaps.


I went to the doc yesterday and since I'm up at the *gulp* 200 lbs. level now he's given me some meds that should help slow or even reverse the weight gain that I've had. 60 lbs. in a year. That's an awful lot, but it seems to be a common side effect with anti-depressants. Ick. It's just been so hard on my self-esteem (not to mention my wardrobe) that it's really brought me down. I don't let Hubby take photos of me or anything anymore. I'm just disgusted with myself.

Hopefully this stuff will help. It's an anti-seizure and anti-depressant that has a huge side effect of weight loss I guess. Not your typical medication, but here's hoping that it works!

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